Monday, 28 October 2013

the kites gather

like the proverbial and all too topical storm, the kites gather to plan their busy month ahead

many topics are discussed.
they collect their thoughts and head out into the countryside
surrounded by their namesake birds
they hammer out old favourites

and even try their hands at something new

we'll see how things progress.

those in need of information on their future whereabouts had best keep reading.

friday 1st november, reading south street
saturday 2nd november, manchester ruby lounge
wednesday 6th november, camden barfly
thursday 21st november, nottingham golden fleece
friday 22nd november, northampton road mender

reading ticket link:

manchester ticket link:

london ticket link:

free show

northampton ticket link:

facebook events:




Thursday, 3 October 2013

dance with crow video

as promised, kites, here is our new video for dance with crow.

the wonderful folk over at clash music magazine chose to take it as an exclusive,as well as giving us a rather lovely write-up.

as you'll probably see from the piece, the album is now scheduled for general release on 5th november through the shipping forecast records, so all those who missed out on the pledge pre-release can finally get your hands on a copy. we think it's really good.

we've also made the track available to stream over on soundcloud, so feel free to pop over there to give it a spin. feel free to share and like and lick and embed and favourite fiddle and all the other things you can do with a lovely link like this.

and here's a reminder of the upcoming autumn shows, too. click on the image for ticket links.

we love autumn. the season of death suits us here at kite hq.