Tuesday, 18 September 2012

red kite live news

red kite hit the road (note tourbus pic, above)

red kite are going to be playing in a town near you. well, if you live in reading or london, anyway.

the dates are as follows:

sunday 14th october - proud gelleries, camden
friday 26th october - rattlesnake, angel
saturday 3rd november - the abbott cook, reading

ticket links and other information to follow soon, so stay tuned to the site.

for now, here's the faceplant link for the london show at proud:


and the show with The Murder Barn:


in other news, the album continues at a healthy trot, with red blooded males now in the bag (my good god, that track is an unholy racket). chris ware's building stories is out at the start of october, just in time for my birthday. nothing eases the passing of the years quite like a beautifully illustrated box-set chronicling an entire building's despair and self-loathing. i am giddy with anticipation.

here's today's achewood coming at you, getting mad rutty:

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